Spring Clinic

Where fitness, fun & fellowship intersect! This 4-day afternoon jump rope clinic is for anyone (2nd grade to adult) looking to cross-train with a challenging sport, to improve your fitness level, and/or to grow your jump roping skills! For beginners to advanced jumpers, learn single rope (freestyle, power/double unders & speed), partner skills & Double Dutch (turning & jumping)!

April 15, 22, 29 and May 6 (2025)

Boys and Girls: 2nd Grade – Adult

Tuesdays 6:30 – 8:15PM

Apex United Methodist Church Gym/Multipurpose Room
100 S. Hughes St,
Apex, NC 27502

The camp will be taught by Coach Tommy Hager, Coach Jessica Black, & the Apex Skip-Its jump rope team.

To register, please:

  1. Download Registration Form (CLINIC FULL)
  2. Save this registration form to your local computer
  3. Open the PDF to fill in the necessary information about your jumper
  4. Save the PDF with the information
  5. Attach and send the PDF via email to apexskipits@gmail.com
  6. Payment options: Venmo (@Tommy-Hager), Cash or Check (payable to Apex Skip-Its).

Please feel free to contact us via email (apexskipits@gmail.com) or telephone (919) 270-5113 with any questions and/or concerns. Send checks and written correspondences to:

Apex Skip-Its
1806 Keokuk Court
Apex, NC 27523

Get fit and have fun!! Reserve your spot today!
Availability is on a first come, first served basis once payment is received.

All images, videos and content copyright © 2016 Apex Skip-Its